Know who is
behind the posts
I'm an Italian-Brazilian living in the province of Monza Brianza in Italy. I decided to create this blog while living in Singapore to share experience and knowledge to help other Italians born abroad better navigate the Italian system of Comunes, Consulates, among other services.
My posts here are entirely voluntary and not capitalized on the pure interest of sharing knowledge.
Many of my posts will be related to how the processes happen in Singapore and other parts of the world. Always seek the most appropriate information in the region where you have consular service.
If you find any misinformation, don't hate me. Just message me with your comment.

Blog contributors
Chiara is Italian born in Italy, has lived in Ireland for five years, and is fluent in five languages, including Portuguese and English. She has taught languages for over nine years and founded Chiara's Lessons.
With great international experience, Chiara currently lives in Brazil, but tomorrow she could be on the other side of the world. Her experience as an Italian outside Italy and as an Italian teacher will contribute to having more and more interesting topics on our Blog.