Safe travel: have you thought about informing the Italian government about your risky trips?

For some years, the Italian Ministry of International Affairs (Esteri) has provided an international travel registration service for Italian citizens. An application called Unità di Crisis (Crisis Unit) contains various information about the countries of destination, such as entry requirements, risk of terrorism, health status, and more.
Travel registration
The application allows you to record your trip so that the Italian Government knows where its citizens are in the case of a crisis to provide a more appropriate consular service in case of need. Obviously, registration is optional but recommended when the traveler goes to high-risk countries such as conflict areas, with a high risk of terrorism, high incidence of diseases, and risk of natural catastrophes.
It's easy to register. In the first use, you will have to register through email and password or SPID.
On the home screen, select Registra viaggio and follow the steps. Have a good trip!
