Green Pass Covid-19

The European Union has adopted a Covid-19 vaccination passport that facilitates access to restaurants, enclosed public places, and travel within the bloc. The green certificate was standardized, but each EU country manages its visitors' and citizens' data itself.
If you have taken any EU-approved vaccines abroad, it is possible to request registration of the data in the local health system. In Italy, this registration is done at the ASL (Azienda Sanitaria Locale). In theory, the application for registration of your vaccine must be made when you already have Italian territory, but it is possible to request it from some ASLs via email and receive the Certificate by email.
To request your Italian Green Certificate, locate the ASL responsible for the Comune you will visit or your AIRE residence (search Google for the terms ASL + the name of the Comune). Look for the general public service email or the SISP Servizi di Igiene e Sanità Pubblica email.
Send to the email found:
Photocopy of passport.
International Vaccination Certificate issued by the local government. In the case of Singapore, use the certificate issued by, and in the case of Brazil, use the certificate issued by ConectaSUS. The document must be translated into English.
The number of your Codice Fiscale (attach a copy of the document, if any).
Issuance is not guaranteed, as each ASL has a specific procedure, but there are many people who have obtained their certificate through this method. Including myself!
Subject: Richiesta Certificazione Verde Covid-19 - <inserir nome completo>
Gentile Signore/a,
Mi chiamo <inserir nome>. Sono cittadino italiano residente in <inserir nome do país>. Il mio AIRE é registrato ad <inserir o nome da Comune>.
Ho ricevuto le due dose della vaccina <inserir nome da vacina> in <inserir o nome do país> e vorrei sapere si è possibile registrare l’informazione nel registro nazionale italiano per ottenere il Green Pass Europeo.
Allegato invio la conferma della vaccinazione, Certificato CF e fotocopia del passaporto.
La ringrazio in anticipo per la sua attenzione e la saluto cordialmente,
<inserir nome e sobrenome>